Sarah Parker is an art director and designer with a focus on luxury with experience in elevated living, hospitality, retail, and experience design. Parker is presently a senior creative in graphic design at The Beacon, the in-house advertising agency for all Kohler Co.’s brands. She enjoys bringing creativity, strategic insight, color, and imagination to every project.
As a lover of continued learning, she enjoys attending HOW Design, Pantone, and SEGD webinars and conferences. Sarah has served as board member of AIGA Wisconsin and AAF—Fox River Ad Club; featured as a keynote speaker; and coordinated multiple workshops and seminars for mentoring emerging designers and students.
Parker was honored by AAF Fox River District with a Gold ADDY Award and four Silver ADDY Awards, by GDUSA Magazine with six American Graphic Design Awards; and secured a rare partnership project with Appleton Coated Papers featuring her design for the award-winning, “You Are Where You Live” brochure. Her work has been featured, on three occasions, in the national PaperSpecs Gallery—including two video spotlights as the “Paper Inspiration of the Week”.